Sunday, December 30, 2012

Todays' Advertising Just Sucks

Bud Light has a new commercial. A guy has gone back to is old apartment and made himself totally at home because "The 49 ers won the Superbowl when he lived there and sat in that exact place". Really? Who in real life or their right mind would put up with some shit like that?  I would throw the guy off the roof or down the stairs or something if he would not go away when I told him to.

Advertising makes me sick ...... I hate it. A user cannot read an internet page withut some totally annoying black screen and a new ad popping up that covers the whole page.

Dear people who have shit to sell......If I want thte crap you have I will go and get it. I don't need you to make me want it.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Girls Who Died & Code

Boarding a bus with a male companion, she was then raped, assaulted and thrown out like garbage.
After trying to make police reports after a gang rape another young lady kills herself since she was told by law enforcement to marry her rapist.

This is why I refuse to hire any Indian males to write code for me. It will not happen.

Friday, December 28, 2012


A few years ago we retained the services of a small ad-agency now located in SC.

A bitch has totally bent over backwards to keep this person alive outside of the normal client-vendor relationship. Money for storage (after he emailed me that he needed to pawn the company laptop) to pay for his storage in Texas. Money for airfare so he could speak at a conference last fall in New Mexico. Money here and there, because well let's face it....he is overpriced and his grammar leaves a lot to be desired. He has no idea how to run a small lines of credit, no credit cards and sure as hell no back up plan.

But wait...that was not even the straw that broke the camels back.

As you know this bitch supported Obama in 2008. Based on what he said he would do I voted for him. However, with the country in the toilet and Obama phone lady screeching about "Vote for Obama and get a phone!!!" (The fuck...really lady?????) I decided to do something radical and vote Libertarian.

Ad-asshole in his unfathomable wisdom, decided that I was voting for Romney. But wait.....that is still not the reason I cut this deadbeat loose. This deadbeat MF posted that women get what they deserve based on how they vote as a comment on a news article about that loser Mourdock in Indiana making the Republican rape comment that pregnancies from rape are what God intended.

Women get what they deserve based on how they vote. What the double fuck. Statement not question.

I wonder how many women who voted Democrat have been raped?
I wonder how many women who voted Republican have been raped?

So to the ad-asshole the fuckwad I pose these questions:

1. Have you ever been raped?
2. Have you ever been beaten by your spouse?
3. Have you ever been thrown out of a moving car by said spouse?
4. Has your 13 year old daughter ever stood in front of you and told you she was raped at a church camp?
5. Have you ever watched your 13 year old daughter grow heavy and bear the baby that she had by her rapist?
6. Have you ever been told that your baby/fetus was dying but that you could not have an abortion because there was a fetal heartbeat.
7. Have you ever watched your wife DIE from pregnancy complications that could have been solved by an abortion to save her life?

NO??????? TO ALL????????

So get this are a piece of shit and you have no fucking right in this world or the next life to ever tell a woman that she gets what she deserved based on how she votes.

I sincerely hope you go straight to hell and that every other female you deal with whether client or not learns what a horrible horrible thing you really are....that's right THING because you gave up your humanity when you said those evil words...a woman "DESERVES....."

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Jerry Yang Quits - More Proof Their Is A Deity

CNBC is grinding it into the ground...everyone and their dog (or parrot) is talking about Jerry Yang leaving Yahoo and Alibaba.

Being the entrepreneurial sort myself... (founder of the most innovative company on the planet). I knew that one day I would have to step down form the CEO role and it was a wonderful day in TelAviv at IAI in the aircraft rep area that I met new CEO. (heavenly angel music please)

I am not CEO material. I can invent and design stuff, make your aircraft records and maintenance wonderful and even get you to drink the kool-aid and give us some money....however....there comes a time when the geek cannot and must not wear the mommie hat anymore.

Jerry Yang was an egomaniac daddy outdated. Proof of this is the fact that he turned down a 45 BILLION dollar offer from Mr. Softie. A total WTF if there every was one.

As usual, the market called it...stock was up.

However, we need to analyze Yahoo and set it in its' proper place amongst the stars.

It's Been A Long Time

...and  have really tried not to be angry or to be a b.i.t.c.h.

But now that I have this iPAD and I have refigured my google shit well here I am again.

I really am sick and tired of all the political posturing in DC by the 536 narcissistic idiots that collectively cannot manage an IQ of -5.

536 you ask?

1 President
100 Senators
435 Congress-people

total = 536

Not to mention Tim Geithner, the academic who forgot his arithmetic.

My ex-friend "D" called me racist since I did not vote for Obama. I voted Libertarian after he swore on a stack of bibles I was voting for Romney.

Here's wising the aliens would come get them...the mean ones that experiment...maybe they could find the intelligence that they swear is there but somehow does not sem to come out.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I found it.... I figured it out

OK so I have been gone a long time. But here I am back with my id and password. Proof that their is a deity.

More OLD bitchiness to follow. :)