Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Thoughts For 2005

A few weeks have passed...ignorance has come... and gone its' merry way.

This Old Bitch has been reading the blogs, the news sources and listening real close to what is being said from the pulpit. That being said I must admit that there are not a lot of constants in the life of AOB outside of the usual work-home-church thing. Meaning that AOB does not buy into the shit that the religious right is trying to shove up my ass and down my throat. Cough...gag...barf....

The latest thing is the Sunday for Justice being brought to your local church via satelllite by Chuck Colson and friends. The aim is to stop the Congressional fillibuster against 'people of faith' by the morons in Congress and the Senate. Of course it is AOB's opinion that both sides..both liberal and conservative are noting but idiots that feed off of the general publics money and the resultant deification by their named Democratic and Republican minions.

Yes there I said it...nothing more than a group of demi gods feeding off of the worship of the feeble minded masses. The Religious Right has made Bush their god, The Liberal Left made Clinton their God...(I guess that means Hillary is a goddess? Save my ass quick someone please...)

What is soooo funny to watch is each side tearing down the god the other side has made. The repuke repubs jumped all over Clinton & Monica Lewinsky and the Dememted Dems have jumnped all over Bush becasue of the War as well as every natural disaster this side of the titanic. What I want to know is: Did Bush personally by some act of his will cause the hurricanes? Damn sure seems like it.

This bitch was completely disgusted by Ken Starr as a special prosecutor. Hey maybe we can get him to start appearing on 'Cheaters'..ya think? This bitch is completely and utterly disgusted with the way the 'right' is using scare tactics to try to tell my ass what to do. Excuse me assholes...God created a brain in my head too. Falwell, Robertson, Dobson et al have made Bush a god and the demented dems have bought it!!!! No wonder Bush is hated...no one wants a god they did not create. No one wants a god they cannot control or ascribe the traits to the god that they want him to have. Bush does not have what the left wants and Clinton did not have what the right wanted. So we have a new war each and every persidential and congressional election when a new group of jerks makes it to DC to 'govern' the idiot masses that voted them in.

I only know that I am really sick to death of being told by both sides that each and every decision I make must be made oin the context of abortion rights and gay rights. Go fuck yourselves.... I have a company to run where employees are dealt with in the context of their conbtribution to the success of the company...not who they go home to after work or where they go after work. After I run my company ...then I need to make dinner and do laundry and bitch some more.

It's not about Repbulican Repukes and Democratic Dementos...its about POWER. Both parties want your asses one place...at the bottom of the food chain..they just have different ways of keeping us there. Fuck both parties....fuck the political system....libertarian and independent, republican and democrat, fuck the ACLU and AFA.

Where did the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence get to????? Lost in the halls of power.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Corporate Advertising


Ford has pulled its' advertising from gay publications. Ford has done this at the threat of a boycott from the American Family Association.

As I said AOB is con-double-fucking-fused.....

What does corporate advertising have to do with my ass being Christian? Are Christians the only ones that have drivers licenses? Shit the Christians I see driving around with those little fishes and the Jesus loves you shit on their bumpers are the FIRST ONES THAT TRY TO RUN OVER YOUR ASS ON THE ROAD. Can I get an AMEN?

So basically what my eyes see and my ears hear is this: (Now if my ass is wrong and it could be someone needs to tell my ass quick).

Someone had decided that being gay is a new thing, someone that everyone who is not gay needs to be protected from. There are some people that have decided to protect EVERYONE who names the name of Christ from this horrible NEW EVIL.

Well this bitch knows that being gay is not new. This bitches cousin "Mabel Morgan" passed away several years ago from AIDS. This bitches best friends step son passed away from AIDS years ago. A bitch has many gay friends and loves each and every one of them.....especially the one with the tiger tattoos on her chest. Another fabulous bitch and a good friend for 17 years.

Now in order for my Christian ass to be protected from the new evil....we have to make sure that 'those' people are unable to participate in society. The first step in this is not to offer the evil ones the same services and products that the rest of us as Christians are entitled to.

Who do these caretakers of society think they are? How is it that people of faith exclude others from participating in secular society? What the fuck? Well what happens next? Denial of housing? Jobs? The right to shop at a mall that has a christian bookstore? Oh shit a bitch can see it now...no one can participate in society unless you are a card carrying baptized member of a christian church.

So what the fuck happened to the US Constitution or even the Declaration of Independence that says ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL AND ARE ENTITLED TO LIFE LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. (Except if your asses are gay..... postscript by Dobson, Falwell & Wildmon)

How is it that my ass is entitled to more than anyone else just because I am NOT GAY and Christian?

I am not and never will be ashamed of my faith. My ass is however ashamed of the so called brethern taking the personal issue of sexual orientation into the corporate boardroom and even more upset that Corporate America is letting itself be held hostage to this shit.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Well it's received. Configured and now officially in use to rant and rave as only a bitch can.

The Sony TX610, 2.76 lbs, Windows XP Pro, 60 gig hd...you get the idea. I am a happy bitch. I am a mobile bitch now with my Nikon Coolpix, iPod and Sony my ass is ready to hit the road as well as sit on the couch every night and blog and create away!

Dear Sony.....it really is SONY-LICIOUS. Damn I love this laptop.....



Hello World a bitch is pissed today.

First a bitch is pissed and extremely upset that the ethical medical hypocrtites in France and other places are coming down on the team of doctors that performed the 'first ever face transplant' in France over this past weekend. A bitch was stunned and over-fucking-joyed at this milestone in plastic restorative surgery. NOW a few assholes that have nothing better to do have come out with all this bullshit about suicide..attempted suicide..and stupid-cide. Who the fuck cares if the donor committed suicide? The realtives signed the papers and made the donation. What the fuck? Does this shit mean that if my ass wants to donate my dead ass and my husband signs the papers that the organ or face donation can be made only if someone else like a medical ethicist decides its ok?

Medical ethics shit needs to be decided BEFORE.....NOT AFTER THE FACT you dumb bastards.

AND....A bitch sends love and hugs and many kisses to the French doctors that performed this surgery.